
Inspector’s Role

Responding to the letter from Curtis D. Harris (Dec. 24), the California Real Estate Inspection Assn. (CREIA) does not recognize as being correct, nor does it endorse Mr. Harris’ statement that a home inspector should review title documents, adjoining property records or building maintenance records.

CREIA is a region of the American Society of Home Inspectors, the only recognized professional home inspector organization in California. CREIA inspects according to an adopted set of professional standards, which are available free upon request.

As inspectors, we provide a service to the buyer, that is, a professional physical inspection of the structure. As such, we refer additional questions beyond this scope to qualified professionals, such as engineers, attorneys, surveyors and real estate brokers. In fact, to give an opinion on such matters without proper licensing, may indeed be a violation of the law.


It is also important that a home buyer insist on knowing the qualifications and background of any professional or tradesperson involved in any real estate matter.

For a set of CREIA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, a list of members and candidates in the California Real Estate Inspection Assn., or other information regarding home inspectors, your readers can call (800) 526-2135 or write: CREIA/ASHI, 1100 N Street, Suite D, Sacramento, Calif. 95814.



Darling is president, Los Angeles chapter, CREIA/ASHI.
