
LETTERS IN VIEW : Birth of the Blues or Simply a New Birth?

Mom-to-be Eileen Heyes (“First Person,” April 25) writes that she has had it up to here (and out to there) with co-workers volunteering comments on her changing size and shape as her due date approaches. As the mother of a 6-month-old, I commiserate with her--and I want to warn her: “Hon, it ain’t gonna get no better.”

After the baby is born, you will be fair game for every mom, dad and mommy-daddy wanna-be bombarding you with unsolicited advice on how to properly feed, burp, change, hold, clothe, bathe and discipline your new little one.

All the above, Eileen, is what your co-workers, generally people who like and respect you, will say. I haven’t the heart to tell you the kinds of things perfect strangers are likely to hiss out at you in the grocery store, but they’re in the same vein as the horrors-of-childbirth stories people delight in telling us when we have only weeks to go.



Manhattan Beach
