
Winners and Losers

What irony. In your April 30 letters one man makes a plea for the community’s wishes to be considered in the Mulholland/Valley Circle interchange. And in the next letter a man from Encino dares to castigate our Councilwoman Joy Picus, for supporting her community against the Spound/Johnson Wax developers who tried to impose their ghastly business complex on the Warner Ridge in our residential neighborhood east of De Soto.

Thanks to Joy Picus, who could have been wooed by these developers and the vast sums they spent to defeat us, we won. The zoning was kept residential for beautiful homes--not “an eyesore.” Thanks also to the other council members who could see our concern. And now crybaby Spound and his greedy backers are going to sue. Will the people ever win? Only if they keep fighting to protect their precious neighborhoods. I hope the Calabasas people win. I hope we win.


Woodland Hills
