
Pasadena : Report on Race, Sex Bias

City human resources and affirmative action managers agree with most of the findings of an independent audit of city employment, which described ongoing racial and sexual discrimination, a senior staff member said Tuesday. But Ramon Curiel, acting human resources director, added that some of the report’s recommendations may raise legal problems.

For example, the report, prepared by the Los Angeles consulting firm PeopleWorks, suggested that the Personnel Department represent both management and employees in grievance procedures, Curiel said.

“I don’t know of any system that uses that model,” he said. Curiel said the system could increase city liability in the event of litigation.


The report found that minorities in city employment were disciplined more often than whites, received smaller merit pay increases and were less likely to be promoted from acting positions to permanent employment. The board voted to send Curiel and his staff back for further meetings with consultants. He said he expects the staff to come up with a full implementation plan within a month.
