
Wilmington Plans City Cleanup Day

For the eighth year, Wilmington’s community groups and Councilwoman Joan Milke Flores are sponsoring “Operation Pride,” a community cleanup program July 8 through 14.

During the week, residents are encouraged to gather trash, rubbish and other bulky items for curbside pickup on their regular collection day, either July 10 or July 12.

On July 14, two additional collection sites will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are the Wilmington Jaycees Sports Field on Figueroa Street between Lomita Boulevard and Q Street, and the Wilmington Green Belt at Coil Avenue and L Street.


In addition, Operation Pride will include cleaning unsightly areas and removing graffiti. To volunteer or obtain more information, call Susan Prichard, Flores’ Wilmington deputy, at 548-7586.
