
Former S.D. Dancer Gets Top Role in ‘Broadway’

For Tony Caligagan, just making the chorus of a Broadway show was a dream come true. Now, just weeks after he snared a spot in the chorus of “Jerome Robbins’ Broadway,” the San Diego native is moving up to top billing.

“I finished contract negotiations to play Bernardo (a starring role in the ‘West Side Story’ segment of the show),” said Caligagan by phone from New York. “I thought Jerome Robbins liked me when he auditioned me for the part because he spent so much time correcting me and encouraging me, but it’s great to know everything is set. I’m still not sure what other roles I’ll be doing, but I know they’re delegating me more responsibilities.”

Caligagan, however, will not take over the role until “Broadway” closes on Broadway in September and moves to Los Angeles for an extended run. Opening night is scheduled for Oct. 2 at the Shubert Theatre.
