
Pico Rivera Dial-a-Ride Vans Haul 7,500 People in 3 Months

It isn’t Metro Rail, but a free form of public transportation in Pico Rivera is getting a proportion of ridership that might prompt envy among county transit officials. Although Pico Rivera has but 60,000 residents, more than 7,500 passengers used the city’s dial-a-ride system in the second quarter of this year alone. That is a 50% increase over two years ago.

People 55 or older and people with handicaps can use the van service for any trip within city limits. Rides outside the city are limited to medical, education or social-service appointments. Eligible city residents, about a sixth of the population, can use the service by telephoning 721-5666 a day or two in advance.

Pico Rivera started the program in 1984, charging 75 cents per ride. The city dropped the fare to 25 cents before finally removing the fee entirely. Dial-a-ride costs the city about $25,000 a month and runs seven days a week, although the hours of service are reduced on weekends. Numerous other cities have their own versions of dial-a-ride.
