
Give Imagination a Spin by Building a Whirligig

<i> Ellingson has been designing patterns and plans for the amateur woodworker since 1948. </i>

Road runner and duck whirligigs are whimsical pieces of folk art designed to decorate the yard. Whirligigs are simply a variation of the weather vane, as they stir in the breeze and indicate the wind direction.

Reference books suggest that at one time they were undoubtedly “Sunday toys.” Sunday toys could be quietly played with by children without disturbing the solemnity of the Sabbath. More recently, it is said that the movement of whirligigs in yards or gardens may deter birds from sampling your fruit trees. Either way, this project is one the whole family can enjoy.

Our pattern includes step-by-step directions and photos, full-size traceable parts, materials lists, and color keys for painting. To obtain Whirligig Duo, Pattern No. 730, please send $6. Other whirligig designs available are the Animated Windmill, No. 694, $5.50, and Farm-Style Windmill, No. 695, $5.50. All prices include postage and handling. Also available is our Patterns for Better Living catalogue, picturing 700 woodworking and handicraft projects, $3.95. Send check or money order to Steve Ellingson, c/o Los Angeles Times, P.O. Box 2383, Van Nuys, Calif. 941409-2383.
