
Deukmejian on Workfare Obstacles and Budget Cuts in Social Programs

In “Clear Away Obstacles to Workfare” (California Commentary, July 27), Gov. George Deukmejian asserts that the central purpose of the workfare program (GAIN--Greater Avenues for Independence) is the “transferring (of) welfare checks into paychecks and dependency into opportunity for every Californian.” The governor may indeed believe this, in which case he is deluding himself.

For almost three decades now, the U.S. has pursued a policy to keep large numbers of people out of work in order to control inflation. Both major political parties and all Presidents have endorsed the “target” or “natural” rates of unemployment thought necessary for economic stability. In recent years, 6-8% unemployment has been repeatedly mentioned, and this translates to 8 million involuntarily unemployed workers. Those who an find only part-time work and those who have just given up are not counted. There is nothing secret about the policy, but political leaders hesitate to publicly advertise their allegiance to silly economic theories.

The idea of “independence” is also sham. Everyone who needs an employer’s paycheck to maintain a standard of living is dependent upon that employer. For those on welfare, the government is the employer, and people should be paid decent wages for doing what the government tells them to do (remain unemployed). It is absurd to imply that they are “cheating” taxpayers.



Los Angeles
