
The Critics of American Culture

Republican apologist Patrick Buchanan would like to update Marie Antoinette’s fatal remarks to read: “Make them eat cake” (“Americans Have Had Enough,” Column right, Commentary, Aug. 2).

Eternally rationalizing for the nation’s richest quarters, Buchanan blabbers on about how most Americans are disgusted with modern expressions of art and implies a root in Marxism.

Buchanan feels most Americans would be better off just going to Disneyland. We, as loyal Americans, should not think about the S&L; fiasco, the habitual oil spills, the ranks of homeless being joined by entire families, the hideous rise in drug usage, the increase in racism, the spread of AIDS, the disappearance of the middle class, coupled with the widening gap between the haves and have-nots, global warming, the corruption of police and politicians and the general arrogance of the wealthy.


You are right, of course, Mr. Buchanan: Americans have had enough. That’s exactly why the art is getting a little nasty. I really don’t think your bigoted country-club buddies would appreciate the repercussions if you succeed in taking away the only thing we have left; the expression of our tormented spirits and souls trying to seek refuge from the hateful greed your kind has shown to our innocent trust of your stewardship.


