
Why Didn’t Bush First Get Citizens Out?

They’re back! Where have they been? Held hostage? Shipped to Saudi Arabia? No, they are our Congress, Senate and executive branch coming back from vacation.

How many American military families have had their vacations cut short or not at all? Oh, but they are paid to protect and defend!

Seems like our elected officials take the same oath and are paid a whole lot more than our men and women in uniform. Why did it take so long to return? The reserves were given, at the most, 90 hours to take care of business and report to duty.


Where were these wonders of Washington when gas prices skyrocketed, causing a lot of Americans to cancel family vacations because they couldn’t afford the price of gas? Even driving to work put a big dent in already-strained budgets. We are asked to car-pool to conserve. Does this mean no more limousines for each and every one of our politicians?

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Hopefully, come next election, you can all take a permanent vacation.

To our men and women in uniform, we are proud of you--just wish we could give you the salaries of the “vacation bunch” in Washington.



El Toro
