
Daryl Gates’ Comments on Drug Users

In response to Daryl Gates’ obscene statement about shooting casual drug users (front page, Sept. 6): Why stop there, Daryl?

This is a brilliant scenario! I wonder if this nut is in collusion with the National Rifle Assn. Soon every casual user will have a gun. And the police officers themselves would have to be extremely fearful every time they pull someone over. I mean, if you’re going to die for smoking a joint, why not just blow the cop away; at least there’s a chance you might escape.

No one in his right mind (not to be confused with right wing) advocates drug use. I have helped produce “Just Say No” segments for home video tapes and realize the importance of drug education, but what if some of our children do experiment? Should we shoot them?


Our society’s ills are twofold: poverty and the total collapse of our educational system. Drugs are merely an effect. If we begin to heal the cause, the effect will take care of itself.


