
Countywide : Senior Legislature Filing Period Opens

Filing opened Friday for candidates in the spring election of the California Senior Legislature.

Three Ventura County representatives will be chosen for the 120-member group, which is modeled after the state Legislature, with 80 senior assembly members and 40 senior senators. The group meets for a week in October to develop bills that are recommended to the Legislature.

Senior Legislature committees also meet throughout the year.

The group expects to recommend a bill on a statewide health insurance plan for lower-income people and laws concerning abuse of the elderly, said Colleen House, executive director of the Area Agency on Aging.


The bills developed by the Senior Legislature are “usually picked up by a regular legislator, and they are usually adopted,” House said.

Candidates for the positions must be registered voters in Ventura County. Candidate nomination petitions are available at the agency office at 505 Poli St. in Ventura.

By Dec. 27, candidates must turn in petitions with signatures of at least 50 Ventura County registered voters 60 years or older. Elections will be held March 12 at area senior centers.
