
CLIPBOARD : Income Of Emergency Food Clients

Researched by: APRIL JACKSON / Los Angeles Times

A survey of Orange County emergency food clients reveals their average monthly income is about $250 below poverty level. The survey, conducted by the University of California Cooperative Extension’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program at Fullerton, randomly selected 191 clients of the county’s soup kitchens (programs that serve hot meals) and food pantries (distributors of grocery items or vouchers to buy groceries). Those interviewed represent both individuals and family members (families with children account for 86% of the total client population).

Primary Source Percent of Total Average of Income All Cases Monthly Income NO INCOME 28.3 0 GOVERNMENT AID 30.3 $639 Aid to Families with 12.0 707 Dependent Children Supplemental Security Income 4.7 744 General Assistance 2.6 318 Unemployment 1.6 552 Food Stamps .5 24 Social Security 8.9 637 NON-GOVERNMENT INCOME 39.3 764 Salary/Wages 35.1 751 Pension 1.0 1,390 Child Support 1.6 592 Other 1.6 824 NO MAJOR SOURCE OF INCOME 2.1 1,092 Total Income (191 Cases) 100.0 $721

Primary source of income is at least 50% of total income. No major source category indicates that no source contributed 50% of total income. Source: Hunger in Orange County: A Study of Emergency Food Clients, University of California Cooperative Extension, 1990
