

I was very disturbed by serious omissions from “Pecs Appeal” (by Craig Fisher, Dec. 9). This article states: “A man who wants his chest to look more developed can . . . after relatively minor surgery and a few weeks of recovery . . . dazzle others with his new upper-body definition.” This is seriously misleading with reference to the true health risks attendant to this ill-conceived and unnecessary procedure.

The implant that is used to enlarge the male chest is similar to the silicone gel implants that are used for breast implants, calf implants and other cosmetic and reconstructive procedures. “Implant Furor: Health Warning or Hysteria?” (by Leslie Berkman) in the Dec. 10 Los Angeles Times, reported the serious potential health risks of breast implants. They include fatigue, abdominal pain, silicone tumors, multiple surgeries, arthritis and scleroderma. The implants are potentially hazardous due to the materials used to encapsulate the gel, the silicone gel itself (which inevitably leaks from the implant) and the placement of the implant.

A simple statement that “Prospective patients should be aware that pectoral implants are not accomplished without some discomfort” is wholly inadequate.



