
ACLU and Cameras

It’s hard to believe but, I guess it’s true. The great champion of American freedoms, the American Civil Liberties Union, has come to the aid of war protesters who are being videotaped by the San Diego Police Department.

How strange! I remember Betty Wheeler and Company teamed with the SDPD, and carrying cameras, harassing Operation Rescue folks who were protesting abortion on demand at area clinics.

Isn’t it curious how quickly the ACLU has flip-flopped and come to the aid of those who have “reasonable apprehension” when being videotaped at a protest? Such inconsistency in thinking and practice is hard to understand, but something I’ve come to expect from the ACLU. My only question is, how will they twist the Constitution next?


REV. EDWARD (BUD) KAICHER, Pastor, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, San Ysidro
