
South Pasadena : 4-Day Workweek Studied

City Hall employees may be switching to a four-day work week in mid-April under South Pasadena’s latest proposal to satisfy air-quality mandates.

Gordon Mize, an official of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, said he expects the plan to receive final approval from the district’s transportation director in the next two weeks. AQMD regulations require all organizations with 100 or more employees to take steps to reduce employee commutes.

Chuck Conn, an aide to the city manager, said all City Hall employees, except those in the Public Works Department, would work four 10-hour days a week. Firefighters would lengthen their shifts from 24 to 48 hours, with correspondingly longer periods of days off. The plan would not affect the Police Department.


Conn said City Hall would remain open Monday through Friday, and the hours would be expanded to 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., with “skeleton crews” working Mondays and Fridays. Currently, City Hall is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
