
A Bitter Lesson in Civic Restraint : * Dana Point Redevelopment Plan Proves Too Much, Too Soon

Many in Dana Point seemed convinced in recent weeks that local control--the very concept that promised so much when the city decided not long ago to incorporate--had somehow overstepped its mandate. The issue was the redevelopment plan advanced by the new city’s fathers.

Besieged with concerns expressed by residents who worried that redevelopment might deprive them of their houses, the City Council wisely decided last week to put its ambitious plans off for the time being. The idea of proposing a 35-year, $292-million redevelopment project so early in the city’s life proved to be much more than a new government could chew.

Dana Point was framing redevelopment even as it was drafting the General Plan required of new cities. It was tackling both a face lift of its past and a blueprint for its future, a tall order even for those with long years of experience in local government.


Since redevelopment would have affected 11% of the land in the city, there was much that could be changed and, hence, much to be explained. The city managed to arouse its citizenry without making sure that it was informed.

Dana Point thus has learned a bitter lesson from this early test of local planning and control. Next time, go slower on ambitious plans.
