
Klein ‘Casserole’ Piece Not to Everyone’s Taste

The “Casserole Brigade” article was not only in very bad taste (excuse the pun) but cruel as well.

Many of the women here in Leisure World are single, widowed and lonely, and the casserole brigade, as Ms. Klein calls it, is only an extension of an old custom in both the Catholic and Jewish religions of bringing food to a bereaved family.

At our age, we do not go to singles bars to meet men nor do many of us go to the dances alone and certainly only a very small minority go to the extremes Ms. Klein writes about.


The article was demeaning and derogatory, and I, for one, resent it. We are not “girls” but women who are trying to make a new life for ourselves after many years of marriage.

Ms. Klein is still a young woman, but I wonder if she would have written this article if she were in the 60s or 70s and widowed.

I hope she never finds out.

Clarise Illes,

Laguna Hills
