
Prenatal Care

Despite all of the crises San Diego County is faced with, it is heartwarming to know that the effort to reduce the serious no-care delivery rate (11%) for pregnant women remains a high priority.

Led by Supervisors Brian Bilbray and Leon Williams, the county staff has developed a working relationship between community agencies and physicians to provide services to women who otherwise could not obtain prenatal care.

The county staff has reduced the Medi-Cal eligibility determination process from a normal six weeks to two days, started a billing service for physicians who are tired of attempting to negotiate the Medi-Cal billing process, is actively assisting in linking patients to physicians with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and is locating pregnant women with substance-abuse problems and helping them overcome their dependencies.


All of these activities produce healthy babies. Healthy babies have a chance in life that is so often denied to premature or chemically dependent babies who will require remedial or special education as they grow.

As Supervisor Bilbray stated: Helping to ensure the birth of healthy babies will save hundreds of thousands, if not millions, in future costs, improving the resources available to all children.

The board and county staff should be recognized for their leadership and dedication while faced with so many other problems.


STEPHEN SHUBERT, Executive Director, San Diego Council of Community Clinics
