
Los Angeles Cancels Fireboat Contract

A Los Angeles City Council panel Wednesday canceled the remaining work in a $607,000 Harbor Department contract awarded three years ago to a naval architecture firm owned by city Harbor Commissioner Robert Rados Sr.

The action, requested by the Harbor Department, came three weeks after news reports that the contract--to design and oversee construction of a new city fireboat--soared in price and scope after it was awarded to Rados International Corp.

In requesting the action, port officials said they were not troubled by the cost or scope of the contract with Rados International. Rather, they said, it was decided that the designer of any port project should not also have a contract to oversee the project’s construction.


To date, records show, Rados International already has been paid more than $320,000 for the fireboat’s design. The firm also has been paid $1.2 million by the Bureau of Sanitation for design and other work on a $5.5-million ocean research vessel that took five years to build. The cost, design and time it took to build the ship have been criticized by city officials and council members.
