The Organization for the Needs of the...
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The Organization for the Needs of the Elderly’s Alternative Care Experience, adult social day care, received the third annual Los Angeles Citizen Unit for Participation Award for Excellence in Community Development. ACE was one of six winners, out of 200 applicants, of the award presented by the Los Angeles Community Development Department at a ceremony in front of City Hall. The award honors excellence in performance by unique, innovative and effective grant programs within the city, and is presented in recognition of National Community Development Week.
The North Valley Jewish Community Center will hold its day-camp program, Camp Ruach, Mondays through Fridays, June 24 through Aug. 16. Camp is available for children ages 4 1/2 through 15 and will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Camp will include swimming, arts and crafts, drama and more. Extended care is also available. The center has also opened its new child-care facility for children ages 2 through 12. Hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. The center is at 16601 Rinaldi St., Granada Hills. For more information and to register, call (818) 360-2211.
The Winnetka Recreation Center is taking registration for summer day camp, which will be held June 24 through Aug. 30. Camp hours are 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and cost is $70 per week. The park will offer crafts, sports, games, field trips and beach days. A minimum of three days is required at $17 a day or $21 for field trip days. Extended day care in the morning and afternoon is available. The center is at 8401 Winnetka Ave., Winnetka. For more information and registration, call (818) 341-1430.
The Granada Hills Recreation Center is accepting registration for its summer classes, which begin the week of July 8 and continue for eight weeks. Classes include piano, dog obedience, tennis, creative movement, ceramics, dance, cooking and crafts and guitar. The center is at 16730 Chatsworth St., Granada Hills. For more information and to register, call (818) 363-3556.