
PLATFORM : Women Will Die

<i> MONICA MARCACCINI, 19, a sophomore at Irvine Valley College, commented on the Supreme Court ruling that outlawed abortion counseling at federally funded clinics:</i>

Rosie Jimenez, a poor Latina, died indirectly from the 1977 decision to terminate federally funded abortions. She died form having a back-alley abortion.

I’m a Latina who fears history will repeat itself. Women of color, as well as poor Caucasian females, will die as a result of the Supreme Court ruling.

This decision says to me that a predominantly white bureaucracy couldn’t care less about my and other ethnic communities. It’s a door shut in the faces of women in need of information. This decision is misinformation.


Suggesting “alternatives” for already-pregnant women is a bit patronizing yet well-intentioned. Women know that celibacy, sex education, birth control and/or sterilization serve as preventive measures against unwanted pregnancies. I find most of them preferable to abortion.

But that’s easy for me to say. I’m alive and well in Orange County. What about the Rosie Jimenezes who outnumber us?
