
Judge Wrong to Blame Girl in Abuse Case

The remarks of Judge Cardenas in the sexual molestation trial involving a 12-year-old victim are inexcusable. Cardenas referred to the child as a “tart” and a “harlot” in stating she shared responsibility for the sexual abuse she suffered.

As shocking as this is, it should come as no surprise since adult female victims of rape and other sexual abuse continue to be blamed for their victimization in courts nationwide. Perhaps Judge Cardenas could have spent time reviewing the literature on child sexual abuse. He would have discovered that one of the main reasons children don’t disclose abuse immediately is fear of being blamed and held responsible. Thank you, Judge Cardenas, for reinforcing this in the minds of child victims everywhere.

Had he spent some time in research, he would also have discovered that sexualized behavior is frequently seen in children subsequent to abuse. This is not a cause, but a consequence of child sexual abuse. Regardless of whether his actions are based on ignorance, lack of sensitivity or an overdose of testosterone, they were disgraceful. His beliefs and actions lend new meaning to “Thelma and Louise.”


IRENE BRIGGS, Huntington Beach
