
Price Stern Sloan CEO Gates Resigns

Charles E. Gates announced that he is resigning as president and chief executive of Price Stern Sloan Inc. to become chief executive of Intervisual Books Inc., effective Jan. 1, 1992.

Before he rose to the top post at Price Stern Sloan in July, 1990, Gates, 54, was vice president for sales and marketing. Prior to 1972, he worked for Valentine Publishing in New York (now a part of Bantam Books) and Grosset & Dunlop (now owned by G. P. Putnam’s Sons).

Price Stern Sloan, a publisher and distributor of children’s books, is doing better this year than in the past few years, and Gates has been a part of the upturn, said L. Lawrence Sloan, chairman of the Los Angeles-based firm.


Sloan said the company has begun a search for Gates’ replacement; meanwhile, Gates will remain on the company’s board of directors through 1993.

Intervisual Books, formerly Intervisual Communications Inc., is a Los Angeles book packager.
