
San Diego

A federal judge reduced the prison sentence Wednesday of Nancy Hoover Hunter, the former Del Mar mayor who has admitted criminal involvement in the $80-million investment fraud by J. David & Co.

U.S. District Judge Earl B. Gilliam, citing Hunter’s cooperation with the government’s attorney and her good behavior in prison, reduced her sentence from 10 years to 6 1/2 years. In a statement released by his office, Gilliam noted that Hunter has worked as a math tutor and as a volunteer counselor while in prison.

“Her conduct record has been clear while she has been in prison, and she has an excellent relationship with the staff and inmates alike,” the statement said. “She is positive and mature, as well as congenial, and constantly gives of her time to assist others.”


Hunter has served 21 months in prison since her conviction on four counts of tax evasion.
