
ROCK TALK : A Farewell to Arb : Raging singer and attitude innovator J. D. is quitting the Redheads for Oregon, but two farewell gigs are on tap.


After eight years, Raging Arb & the Redheads are breaking up. D.,” or John Drury, the band’s singer and embodiment of the Arb Attitude (half Yosemite Sam and half beer), is moving to Oregon. The other guys probably won’t become an instrumental quintet and settle down and get their realtor’s licenses, either. Twelve more shopping days until Christmas and two more Arb gigs, so there’s still time.

There will be a gig Sunday at the Chaparral Club with J. D.’s Last Ride opening inside beginning at 2 p.m. Next will be one even you can afford--a FREE Christmas show-pajama party at the Ventura Theatre on Dec. 21. Well, mostly free: over 21 free, over 18 free for two bucks, under 18 stay home--you haven’t seen “It’s a Wonderful Life” enough. Opening will be those Mudheads. And opening for them will be ex-members of the Mudheads, the Crashing Plains and the I-Rails. The party ender will be New Year’s Eve at Charlie’s.

In the It’s-Only-Rock-’n’-Roll-but-Shaddup Department:

In Simi Valley, Sunday School is out. Sunday School is the name Rodney Thompson gave his Sunday night thrash-a-thon featuring local bands that specialize in loud-and-fast. The last show for now will be at Cheers on Dec. 22, featuring April’s Motel Room, Contradiction and the Juice Whistles.


“It was getting hard to get people out since there’s only four local bands people really wanted to see,” Thompson said. “Everyone in T. O. is into heavy metal, which we assume is because they can’t get KROQ. The rough (economic) times are just starting to outweigh the good times. We may come back in a couple of months with a different name in a different location.”

Michael Levine, promoter of Club Dread, the Sunday night reggae show at Eric Ericsson’s, is taking One Love Vibration across town. Eric is closing the bar to make room for more restaurant, so reggae Sunday nights begin at Bombay Bar & Grill on Jan. 5. The Lion I’s have been playing the Bombay regularly. The last time they were there, the place was so crowded that Bobby Galyan was singing in the middle of California Street.

Seemingly, every band in Santa Barbara will be playing at the Beach Shack in a benefit-Christmas party-CD release party for Spencer Barnitz and Bo Fox, who were mighty banged up after a car crash. There will be so many bands that the benefit will last two days--Wednesday and Dec. 19. The first night will feature Blue Plate Special, the Mudheads, the Roosters, J. D.’s Last Ride, the Pontiax, Woodburning Project, A Band Called Horse and Tao Jonz. If you’re still standing and haven’t become deaf, Thursday’s lineup includes M. C. Pat & the Trendy Penguins, Circus Life, Brad Is Sex, Leo Downey, Little Jonny & the Giants, Bad Neighbor, Rogue Cheddar and Official Resistance.


And Spencer? He sang recently with the Wedding Band.

“I didn’t think I could last all night, but I did,” he said. “My face is still a little disorganized. I still have a wire through my cheek and another around my teeth. Bo’s getting out of the hospital today. He had a broken hip, leg and elbow and also had liver surgery. His medical bill is around a quarter of a million dollars.

“It’s going to be a while before Spencer the Gardener plays again.”

Just got a three-CD Hendrix set, proving again that being dead isn’t half the dodge it used to be. Locey Law No. 8: Every person or band who ever played a note will be with us forever. This week’s example: the Crawdads. When singer Michael (Crawdad) Crawley moved to Tennessee, the band broke up. But wait . . . he has been replaced by another guitarist, and now lead guitarist Tom Bucy sings.

Maybe Raging Arb can hire Elton John. . . .
