
Dachau Liberation

The article “Japanese-American GIs Are Focus of Dachau Memories” (Dec. 1) is misleading. Tens of thousands of GIs either liberated Nazi camps physically or engaged in rehabilitation activities. While the 442nd was a much decorated unit and no doubt did participate in liberation achievements, the 442nd was not at the main Dachau camp containing 33,000 inmates on liberation day April 29, 1945.

The main camp was liberated by the 42nd Rainbow Division. Dachau consisted of a main camp, six large sub-camps and over 150 smaller camps. The 442nd deserves credit for liberating a camp other than the main camp. The unspeakable horror at all these camps should be spoken about by all the GIs who saw these camps.

A picture of survivors ostensibly from Dachau shows heavy snow. There was no snow at the main camp and probably none at the sub-camps. I would surmise that the picture was taken at a concentration camp in the Vosges Mountains in Northern Alsace, France, where the 442nd was engaged during the winter of 1944-45.


DONALD L. SEGEL, Historian, Rainbow Division Veterans, Pacific Palisades
