
California Businesses

Re “A New Year’s Resolution for California: Get It Together,” editorial, Dec. 30:

The fact that Californians are being emotionally broadsided by these present economic conditions uncovers the roots that feed the symptoms. Due to the apathy of the business community toward Washington and Sacramento, we have allowed social special interest groups to dominate the agenda of our legislative bodies.

The foundation of California’s strength, its industrial base, has been ransacked because these groups have led the public astray. Through the use of powerful lobbying groups and a sympathetic media, the manufacturing community has been silent in responding to the dismantling of California’s industry. True economic renaissance will not be a reality until the business community rises up in unison to educate and guide our legislators toward a comprehensive industrial policy. As business owners, we must become activists by involving our employees, families and friends to petition our legislators that they must aggressively support progressive industrial programs. In 1992 we must elect legislators who understand industrial concerns and what it takes to capitalize on the remarkable assets of California.

DAVID GOODREAU, Chairman, California National Tooling and Machining Assn., Government Affairs Committee, Burbank
