
Two Schools Defy Odds

Re “Two Inglewood Schools Defy Odds, Achieve Excellence” (Feb. 3):

Congratulations to principals Nancy Ichinaga and Marjorie Thompson of the Inglewood School District. Congratulations to their board of education, teachers and students for achieving scholastic excellence. The major factor mentioned in their success: There is no bilingual education at either school. Children from the outset learn to read and write in English.

Congratulations must also go to the member of the California State Board of Education who paved the way for this kind of success story. For had it not been for Angie Papadakis’ courageous fight against the state-mandated bilingual program and the bilingual bills that Speaker Willie Brown championed, school districts would still be required to teach minority children in their native language.

Now all school districts in California have the freedom to teach minority students in English.



