
O.C. PLATFORM : Money Is Jail Issue

<i> Orange County Supervisor DON R. ROTH commented on developer Kathryn Thompson's proposal to build a jail facility with private funds to house city or county prisoners. He told The Times:</i>

As a policy matter, I support the privatization of many public services. Having private companies compete for the public’s business yields cost savings and quality control.

No doubt, privatizing jails creates unique security concerns. However, those are manageable by tailoring the prisoner class to the structure and the available programs.

Our immediate issue is not the philosophy of private versus public jails.

Orange County’s problem is the inability to identify a long-term source of money to pay for any jail.


I appreciate that someone may be interested in providing jails as a business, but my guess is that he or she will eventually want to get paid.

We don’t have any money!

The debate about the location of a new jail, or whether or not it might be privately built and operated, misses the point.

The county simply does not have a reliable source of revenue to pay for any new jail services.
