
Judge Orders Cub Scouts to Readmit Atheist Twins

Associated Press

Twin 10-year-old boys ousted from the Cub Scouts for refusing to say God in the Scout oath can return to their pack, a judge reaffirmed Monday.

Superior Court Judge Richard Frazee ruled that local Boy Scout officials cannot bar William and Michael Randall from the organization because it is a business under state law and therefore cannot exclude people because of their religious beliefs.

Frazee had ruled in favor of the youngsters on May 7, so Monday’s formal order was not a surprise.

Scouting officials have vowed to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.

The boys were ousted from Cub Scout Pack 519 in January, 1991, after announcing they didn’t believe in God and wouldn’t say the word God during recitation of the Cub Scout Promise.
