
By Any Measure, There’s Room for More Women in Politics

Seems like the fellas from both the left and the right sides of the political spectrum are busy trying to out-count each other as to whose party has more women in positions of authority (“GOP Males Hinder Political Careers of Women Candidates,” Letters, June 21, and “GOP Leaders List High-Ranking Women,” Letters, June 28).

They’re missing the point. My commentary wasn’t directed to them (“It’s Time for Women to Take Leading Roles on Electoral Stage,” May 17). It was directed to women themselves. Not just to the women who have succeeded in politics, but to those women who have not yet tried.

Certainly, the women who have been “listed” are to be recognized for their leadership roles. However, there is plenty of room for more women to become politically involved and to be counted, especially when it comes to writing a check for a candidate’s campaign.


Real political clout for women will be realized when a listing of those involved requires a lot more room to print than in a letter to the editor.

