
LOS ANGELES COUNTY : Dana Challenger Files Complaint Over Mailings

The challenger to Los Angeles County Supervisor Deane Dana on Thursday filed a complaint with the state Fair Political Practices Commission accusing the incumbent of sending out taxpayer-financed mail to promote his reelection bid.

Displaying 10 mailings sent by Dana to one resident during a six-week period, Rolling Hills Mayor Gordana Swanson asked the commission to determine whether Dana had violated a ban against “mass mailings at public expense.”

The mailings included 49 press releases proclaiming a range of actions taken by Dana, from his call for the resignation of Chief Administrative Officer Richard B. Dixon to his expediting the award of a tree-trimming contract.


Dana spokesman Dennis Morefield disputed the idea that the sending of press releases constitutes a mass mailing, noting that the supervisor regularly sends out releases to about 300 news organizations and citizens who request them. Morefield said the man who received the press releases asked to be put on the mailing list. The recipient could not be reached.
