
LOS ANGELES : 11 Bank Robberies Reported in One Day

Los Angeles added to its reputation as bank robbery capital of the United States on Friday as 11 were reported in the city, including three violent “takeover” holdups, authorities said. In the seven-county region around the city, 20 bank robberies were reported, the FBI said.

“It’s crazy is what it is,” said Los Angeles Police Detective Joe Getherall. In a typical week, the city records 20 bank robberies.

Investigators do not think any of Friday’s 11 robberies were connected, Getherall said.

In the most violent incident, an armed man jumped a teller counter at a Bank of America branch on Wilshire Boulevard while another man stood guard in the lobby. The man behind the counter shoved an employee’s head against the floor, kicked a second employee and pushed a third.
