
Tent City

I’m compelled to write and comment on the article about the tent city planned for Rose Canyon (Sept. 24).

First of all, in an article that spanned three pages, the writer provides no information at all about the plan for the tent city, itself. How big will it be? How will residents be screened? Who will police it? What services will be provided? What sanitary precautions will be provided, and so forth. The article provided no information to help readers form an opinion about this attempt to provide shelter for truly needy people.

The only effect the article did have, for me, was to show just how callous a small group of wealthy homeowners can be. The writer variously describes the 19,000 homeless men, women and children as “wandering” around San Diego, as “hordes” who are “infiltrating” Balboa Park. Meanwhile, the outraged homeowners--300 of them--are “legions”--a word that often suggests heroic. God, were it only true.


Karen Jarrett, quoted in the article, should rest comfortably. No homeless person will make a beeline for San Diego just for the opportunity to live in a tent near the garbage trucks of Rose Canyon. If she were homeless, would she?

