
‘Cops’ Hangs Out With Wrong Crowd

Re “The Force Is With Her” (Oct. 6): What is this about “things that happen in places like Beverly Hills ‘aren’t the kind of things for us on the show’ ”?

When “Cops” first aired, I thought it was interesting and, of course, different. But I soon became tired of the same scenarios: police high-fiving after arrests, dogs chasing people down, drug busts and domestic disputes. Then I started noticing the arrestees: mostly black, Latino and poor white. At that point I stopped watching the show. It had become too one-sided.

How about turning those lenses and mikes on some overpriced, expensive-sounding, so-called “exclusive” tract-home communities so us poor folk can also stand up in our living rooms, point to the TV screen and say, “You see how those people are? I tell you, they’re all like that!”



