
The Final Tally

An Election Day snapshot of voting around the nation, the state and Orange County: PRESIDENTIAL California 100% of precincts reporting Clinton: 46.4% (4,822,875) Bush: 32.2 (3,344,317) Perot: 20.7 (2,148,457) Orange County 100% of precincts reporting Clinton: 31.7% (286,003) Bush: 43.4 (392,450) Perot: 24.1 (218,108) Note: Totals do not add to 100% due to votes for other candidates U.S. SENATE 100% of precincts reporting 2-YEAR TERM California Feinstein: 54.7% (5,505,780) Seymour: 37.6 (3,782,802) Orange County Feinstein: 40.0% (351,999) Seymour: 50.6 (444,224) 6-YEAR TERM California Boxer: 48.3% (4,867,126) Herschensohn: 42.6 (4,294,665) Orange County Boxer: 33.5% (295,965) Herschensohn: 57.6 (508,441) Sources: Orange County registrar of voters; Information Please Almanac
