
Dog Days No More: N.Y. Fountain Is Paws That Refreshes


The nation’s largest city opens its first official canine drinking fountain Monday.

The $25,000 granite fountain is being installed, at no cost to taxpayers, in Central Park at 90th Street and 5th Avenue.

A gentle stream of water will pour from the mouth of a granite dog’s head into a waiting trough carved between a pair of sculpted doggie paws. Carved on the dog’s upper lip is this dedication: “From Jeannette and Peter Kriendler--in honor of Friedel.”

“I love it,” said Suzanne Bagdabe, walking Ripple, her golden retriever, past the still-dormant fountain. “In the summer it’s really necessary to have something like that. Dogs can’t sweat--they just drool.”


About 300 dogs reportedly trot each day through the “Runner’s Gate” plaza at 90th Street.
