
Scouting Defenders Spark Lively Volley on Standards

There is no way that the Boy Scouts will not be hurt morally and financially by the fund-raising tactics of Dannemeyer, Dornan, Rohrabacher, Packard, and Cox. These congressmen clearly appear to be using the power of their offices to intimidate Levi Strauss and Wells Fargo into contributing $112,000. If a contribution is not forthcoming, the congressmen and others plan a boycott of these two firms.

No matter how the law views these actions, most people will view these tactics as a misuse of office and an effort to extort money. Because some Scouts (even an Orange County board member) have joined the congressmen in their effort, it is difficult for the Scouts to avoid the stain of having given the nod.

To avoid financial and moral fallout, the Boy Scouts must publicly thank the two companies for their past contributions and disavow any boycott.


It would also be wise for the Scouts to take the time to restate the ethical values and legal virtues most people associate with the Scouts. To not do so would be to approach this controversy with the silence that damns good men.


South Laguna
