
Youth / OPINION : Morals, Values and Ethics: What Is the Role of Our Schools?

Compiled by Erik Hamilton for The Times


Senior 17, Norwalk High School

Sex, drugs and violence are commonly discussed in classrooms throughout the country. Should ethics be another topic of concern added to the list?We cannot depend on the parents because some, unfortunately, lack ethics themselves.

Cheating, shoplifting, lying, drinking and substance abuse need to be reinforced by the school system that these things are immoral. Without proper guidance, our community would not be at peace, but rather an atmosphere where residents fear to step outside, fearing for their lives. No matter how one views the subject, it needs to be dealt with. This is one of the reasons the Irvine Unified School District is doing this.

If the country does not unite and fight a battle that possibly could be won, we might as well surrender now.


For example, if we would have confronted gangs with all our might when it was a small problem, (society) could have stopped what is today an epidemic of senseless violence.
