
Lifting Ban on Gays in Military

Clinton, by lifting the ban against homosexuals in the military, offers the possibility of a much needed public forum for gays and lesbians. Talking with one’s family about his or her homosexuality has often been difficult. The lifting of the ban will provide a link to the larger social issue. What was once seen as personal grief and rejection, is now seem within the proper social context of institutional homophobia and discrimination.

As a clinical psychologist I have seen firsthand the personal devastation caused, not by sexual orientation, but by the rejection of a family, as well as a society, intolerant of differences. The interaction of families and larger social contexts--schools, health care, the military--is profound and dynamic. I have always believed that families are microcosms of our society. What we publicly encourage or condone is reflected in the privacy of our homes.

The lifting of this unjust ban may be seen as a much needed healing for our families as well as our nation.



Los Angeles
