
Lifting Ban on Gays in Military

In response to “Cooperation as a Tool to End Ban on Gays,” editorial, Jan. 11:

I disagree with your recommendation for President-elect Clinton to issue a memorandum of instruction in lieu of an executive order to allow homosexuals to remain as a vital part of the armed services.

The feelings of the military are irrelevant and they should lose face. For 50 years or more, the military in the U.S. has abused and treated gay people with contempt. I can furnish you with hundreds of horror stories.

Canada this month allowed military personnel to stay in the service without prejudice and I doubt that the military was consulted.


An executive order canceling discrimination against gay people in the military should be executed immediately. Anything else is a whitewash. Symbolic significance is important.

Why is the United States always the last country to show Christian and humanitarian values? Probably because we are the most corrupt country in the world and the most hypocritical.


