
Michael Woo

I have been following your newspaper’s coverage of the Los Angeles mayoral race and I am disturbed at the overwhelming attention given to the Michael Woo campaign and relatively little attention given to other credible candidates.

These are headlines found on the front page and first page of the Metro sections: “Woo Wins Applause From Black Audience” (Jan. 31), “Woo Far Ahead of the Pack in Mayor’s Race” (Feb. 5) and “Call for Gates’ Removal Is Putting Woo in Lead” (Feb. 6). These headlines make it sound as if the race is over even though the primary is still 10 weeks away and the runoff is not until June 1! At the same time, The Times appears to focus on trivial aspects of other credible candidates.

Voters overwhelmingly support change and are disgusted with ineffective incumbents and politics as usual. How can The Times ignore the wishes of the people and give elected officials even more advantages than what they already have?



Los Angeles
