
The Devaluing of Women

On Feb. 16, The Times printed two articles that dealt with the devaluing of women. The “serious” article in the Business section (“Throwing in a Towel”) covered Hyundai’s decision to boycott the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. The “fun” article in Calendar (“Undressed With Someplace to Go”) showed Marky Mark at a book-signing party autographing a female fan’s chest.

Apparently there’s something insidious and violence-provoking about men looking at attractive women in swimsuits. But it’s “entertainment” when a “teen-something” allows her breasts to be autographed. And it’s OK to print a picture showing it in The Times.

Women posing in swimsuits is not degrading, and I don’t believe the swimsuit issue promotes violence. I do believe that the young woman pictured in Calendar devalued herself.


I point an accusatory finger at parents who believe values and self-respect are the responsibility of schools. My second “ j’accuse “ is leveled at The Times, for printing a photograph that debases all women. JANE JOHNSON

