
Kin Find Body of Horseman Missing in Wash


Family members of Antonio Rosales’ on Saturday found the body of the Pacoima horseback rider who had been missing in Big Tujunga Wash since Monday.

The body of Rosales, 57, was found partially buried in the mud along the rain-swollen wash near Hansen Dam about 12:30 p.m., said his son Rogelio.

Antonio Rosales, who rode in the park daily, went out on his horse Bailarin about 7 a.m. Monday above Hansen Dam and never returned.


“He was about a mile away from where he was last seen,” Rogelio Rosales said. “He was buried in the sand. Just a little bit of his body--his back--was sticking out.”

The cause of death has not been established by the Los Angeles County coroner’s office, but family members believe the former semiprofessional rodeo rider drowned while trying to ford the wash.

“I think he fell off the horse when he was crossing, and the water just dragged him down,” Rogelio Rosales said.


Rosales went riding Monday morning with his son Alfredo. Bailarin, a 4-year-old stallion, was acting restless and bothering Nina, the 3-year-old filly Alfredo Rosales was riding.

Father and son agreed to ride separately to calm Bailarin and to meet on the far side of the park. Antonio Rosales took the longer path on the east side of the dam while his son took the shorter path along the west side.

Alfredo Rosales said his father thought the eastern path, which crosses the wash, would be safe since it had not rained that day. After his father did not show up, Alfredo Rosales searched the area briefly and then returned later with help.


The horse was found Monday afternoon standing alone on a dry patch of land in the middle of the wash, surrounded by water, with the saddle halfway off its back.

But rescue teams were unable to locate Antonio Rosales after intensive searches Monday evening and Tuesday morning.

The family--including his four sons, as well as brothers and cousins--continued to search the wash daily.

Rogelio Rosales said he was relieved that they found the body, but he said he was very disappointed that authorities did not continue their search after Tuesday.

“I was happy that they looked for him the first days,” Rosales said. “But I believe they should have made another effort.”

Funeral arrangements are pending.
