GOP Must Define Its Basic Essence, Offer Clear Vision of Future
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EDITOR’S NOTE: On Feb. 28, Orange County Voices carried columns on the future of the Republican Party from two thoughtful Orange County writers representing conservative and moderate viewpoints.
At that time we offered this page as a forum and invited readers to join the debate by submitting their views on the future of the GOP and what its themes, appeals and programs should be.
The comments published here are a representative sample of the responses received.
‘Republican Party Didn’t Lose, Bush and Bushonomics Lost’
Abortion will soon fade as a major dividing issue in Republican politics when Clinton pushes the Freedom of Choice Act through Congress this year and signs it into law, making the current squabble almost politically inconsequential. Republicans can then get down to work and do what they do best--providing the leadership and courage to preserve capitalism and stoke the economic engines of peace and prosperity.
The Republican party didn’t lose last November, George Bush and Bushonomics lost.
Huntington Beach