
One-Track Mind?

“Rosenthal Introduces Bill to Stop Proposed Rail Over Freeway” (Times Valley Edition, March 27) describes the senator’s latest move to stop the monorail on the Ventura Freeway, the choice of the voters and Los Angeles County Transportation Commission. This is the same senator who last year drafted legislation to require underground construction of any rail system along the freeway.

When are our elected officials going to concede that the voters of the San Fernando Valley have spoken, with 102,810 favoring a monorail above the Ventura Freeway and only 22,044 voting for the subway along the Burbank-Chandler line?

The time has come to proceed with a technology that will be built faster, will be more visible, attract more riders and, finally, will save approximately $1 billion in transit funds that could be used to finance additional rapid transit systems elsewhere in the county.



Van Nuys
