
Higher Education Funding Crisis

I’m ashamed of the Californians of my generation.

Once again this select group of baby boomers has decided to maintain its standard of living by taxing the young. In this case, the ex-yuppies of California have decided to once again raise tuition fees at state colleges and universities. The dominant attitude is that the taxpayers, especially the affluent, shouldn’t be expected to subsidize the education of the young. The young, we believe, must learn the importance of paying their own way.

I attended UCLA for four years. With the exception of the incidental fees charged by ASUCLA, I didn’t have to pay one penny of tuition. I don’t feel guilty. I wouldn’t have made it without a school like UCLA, and I’ve more than repaid the small investment the taxpayers made in educating me.

Now when it is time for us to give back, for us to bestow to the future some bounty we received in the past, where is our spirit of sacrifice? With the possible exception of the school teachers in LAUSD, no one wants to invest a dime for the future.



Los Angeles
