
Countdown to Election Day : 6 Days Left in the L.A. Mayoral Campaign


How the mayoral candidates spent their day:

Michael Woo’s campaign suffered a major blow when a Sacramento judge barred the state Democratic Party from spending $200,000 on the candidate’s behalf. A Democrat who has touted his endorsement from President Clinton, Woo had sought to take advantage of the city’s heavily Democratic registration against Richard Riordan, a Republican.

The decision came as the candidates continued their attacks on each other.

Meanwhile, Riordan received the endorsement of another police group, the California Organizations of Police and Sheriffs; Woo was endorsed by a number of prominent Jewish community leaders, including Supervisor Ed Edelman, Rabbi Allen Freehling, Assemblyman Terry Friedman (D-Brentwood) and former Rep. Mel Levine.


How the campaign was waged in the realm of advertising:

Riordan sent a mailer touting his endorsement from the Los Angeles Police Protective League. The Coalition for Economic Survival has sent a flyer giving Woo an “A” and Riordan an “F” on renters’ issues.



Some of the key events on the candidates’ schedules today:

* Riordan’s public appearances have been canceled for today due to the death of his mother in New York.

* Woo will appear with about 400 celebrities and young professionals at a 7:30 p.m. fund-raiser at Club Tatou.
